Woodburn Presbyterian Approaches Its second Century With New Pastor
Nearly 100 years ago, in 1922, members of Wilmington’s First Presbyterian Church founded the Woodburn Chapel as a home for some Sunday...

A New Teen Scene
As you might imagine, we are huge fans of the American tradition of Freedom of the Press. Our nation’s birth was helped along by the...

Battleship Masks
Under a cloudy but rain-free sky, the Brunswick Forest Stitchers visited the Battleship North Carolina Memorial in Wilmington to make a...

Saving Your Back, Building Your Core
In the short term, you may be aiming for lower body fat or better strength, but over the course of the rest of your life, you ultimately...

Living The Dream
Matt Troetti, a born and bred Oak Island local, has turned his passion his career with his board shop, Never Ever Boards. He attributes...

Neighbors Market
Local artisans and produce vendors have found a way to help support the community that supports them through their seasonal open-air...

Imagine Your Story
Brunswick County Library System is proud to launch its first virtual Kids Summer Reading Program for area children. The program’s...

Watercolor Magic
Art should connect people for generations. You may not like what it says, and it may change your point of view. Or it may instantly make...

Dogs Of Summer
When Joe Doppes purchased Bob’s Dogs on Oak Island last year, he decided to leave the name as is, wanting to reassure regular customers...

Keeping It Fresh, Keeping It Local
If ever there were a perfect time to shop at a farmers market, this is surely it. Chain grocery stores are full of people and not always...